I couldn't have done it without some sort of list and planning tools. I actually had an idea of the theme, games and menu way back in March. Yes March, for a birthday in June. And yes, I know I'm crazy.
But it was a huge relief for me to have everything written down and in one spot. That way I could go over it when I had free time and modify any detail.
The Good Husband could look at the list and know what the hell was going on too, so when the morning of her party came, he would know how to help me set up. The same with my mom and grandma.

I'll be planning parties for at least another 19 years for The Good Daughter as well as any additional kiddo we might have, so this will come in handy, even if for once a year. And besides, it's never too early to plan for next year.
Camping birthday next year?
You can download this template here for your own BotO.
You're not crazy. We're in the same village. I plan in advance and do schematics as well. My mother & sister were driving me nuts, with minimal baby shower details finalized and it's next week. It's my shower, but I've taken over. I can't help myself. I support you! *lol*
I planned my shower too. I am in good company with you gigiodca.
Congratulations on the baby!
Thank you for all of the templates, they look wonderful and I've downloaded each one.
Thank you so much Lauren. I am glad you like them.
Thank you for reading.
Thanks so much for this, it has made my party planning a cinch ;)
Thank you for the fabulous templates! However, I am unable to download from Google docs (go figure?) Is there another link that can be made available?
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