I know I told you we
started a new CSA this year. One we have been on a waiting list for two years to join. Last week was the first delivery. I had made The Good Husband drive me to the farm the week before so I wouldn't get lost (which happened to be a totally great thing, since Google maps doesn't know anything about BFE Illinois and took us somewhere 45 miles in the opposite direction). The Good Daughter loved the farm once we finally found it and played in the dirt and with the chickens all while we talked it up with the farmer.
So last week, I loaded her up in the car and we headed out to get our first share. We came home with greens (turnip, braising and mixed), parsley, radishes, spring garlic and onion. The radishes, garlic and onion went right into a salad. I braised half the greens with the rest of the garlic and onion along with some bacon and served it with some grilled pork chops we had.

One of the great things I love about this CSA so far is the weekly emails they send to us letting us know what is in our share for that week along with recipes they have tried over the years.
I know this week will include lettuces (Italienisher, actually) so I hope to have some really great salad this week as well as some recipes to share that include greens.
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